Cave Men are people too! Seen here spraying W26 Frost
Cavemen can paint too! This is Chad the Painter at Advance Auto Collision on
Gunbarrel Road, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Seen here he is painting a Headboard to go in his new place and my
Xbox 360 he painted is sitting to his right on the stands above his shoulder.

No flash with a 60 watt bulb
across the room. This is fairly low light and not ideal for pictures. This paint formula really does
bling bling though! It only takes a little light to start shimmering.
Xbox 360 Frost with Flash. The Crushed Diamond in the formula reacts to the flash! Because these are diamonds light passes through and they sparkle. Normal warm colors (
metallic) are light little mirrors that are aways sparkling. Diamonds sparkle the more light you put on them which is very bright during the day. All pictures were
taken 3 hours after painted and before being reassembled.